
Meeting  your tutor before you start at College is an important part of our application process because we simply want to get to know you better! Read on so you know what to expect when you're  invited to College for an informal chat about your course.

  • Don’t miss it!

    Your meeting is an opportunity for you to speak with your course tutor so we can help to make sure you have chosen the right course for you and your chosen career path – feel free to bring someone along with you!

    Please let us know if you need to rearrange, can’t attend or have changed your mind about studying with us.

  • How formal is it?

    Meeting your tutor for the first time is nothing to worry about, it will be very informal so please come dressed in something you feel comfortable in. We just want to make sure the course is right for you, and you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

  • Do I need to prepare anything for it?

    Please check your invitation letter for specific requirements – normally it is requested you provide evidence of what you’ve achieved so far, e.g. predicted grades/exam results, and in some cases a portfolio of work.

    Generally, we will ask you about your interests, career ambitions and how NCD can get you there. You may be asked what you’re studying at school and why you want to study the course you’re applying to study at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham.

  • What will happen after my interview?

    After receiving confirmation of your offer and accepting it, you will have secured a place on your chosen course and we will be in touch with you via email and text with any relevant updates or events – to do so, please can you ensure your contact details are up to date.

  • I have changed my mind, what should I do?

    If after attending your meeting you are unsure whether the course is for you, please let us know! We are here to help you find the perfect course so you can thrive at NCD.

    Know which course you want to study? Get in touch with our application gurus.
    Need some advice? You can discuss your options with our lovely Advice Support Careers (ASC) team.

If you have any other questions, please get in touch and we look forward to welcoming you on campus!