
  • What is an apprenticeship?

    An apprenticeship is a real job with training so you can earn while you learn, and gain nationally recognised qualifications along the way.

    Apprenticeships normally take one to four years to complete, depending on the level, and are available across a wide range of different sectors and industries.

    There are three types of apprenticeships:

    • Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2)
    • Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)
    • Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4 or above). 

    Apprenticeships are designed with employers and provide a structured standard that takes you through the skills you need to do a job well. You will be in the workplace for most of the week, as your training takes place on-the-job, and will usually attend college one day a week to study towards nationally recognised qualifications and the end point assessment. You can even get a degree, all while gaining on-the-ground experience and making money.

  • Lots of choice

    Construction, dental nursing, business. Just three of more than 20 different career areas in which we offer apprenticeships. The choices are so much greater than you might think.

  • Vocational

    A vocational course is practical and is related to a specific career, rather than an academic subject. They’re designed specifically to give you the skills and knowledge you need to land your dream job and work with confidence and competence.


  • Earn while you learn

    You will earn a minimum of £4.81 per hour and, with no student loans and no tuition fees, as an apprentice you will have less debt than if you were studying full-time.

  • Finding an employer

    Our apprenticeship team works with hundreds of employers throughout the region. We can help you find the right employer for your apprenticeship if you can't find one yourself.

  • Fast-track your career

    An apprentice has a clear, structured pathway to achieving their career goals. Think of it as a fast-track route into your chosen career.

  • More employable

    97% of our apprentices have secured employment. The qualifications, skills and experience you gain during an apprenticeship will supercharge your CV and your apprenticeship could even turn into a full-time job.

  • Get started in a career

    Doing an apprenticeship and getting straight into employment means there is lots of potential for you to progress in your career quickly. It also means you start earning a salary straight away. Why wait?

  • Great experience

    Hands-on training gives you an opportunity to put your skills and knowledge into practice and show employers what you are capable of. You will be doing a real job for a real employer, which will also help you gain real confidence in a working environment.

  • Fantastic support

    You will have a dedicated apprenticeship officer at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham who will meet with your employer and make sure you are getting the best out of your apprenticeship. We’re here as your support crew. Our staff and resources are available to you, helping you to get the most out of your apprenticeship and bag those qualifications.

  • A successful future

    Not to brag, but at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham our success rate for apprenticeships is consistently above the national average. Give yourself the best shot at achieving the future you hope for.

  • Giving you the edge

    An apprenticeship will give you the edge when competing for jobs against other well-qualified candidates. You’ll have real-world experience, which is a head start.

  • Get a full qualification

    As well as learning on the job, you’ll get a nationally recognised qualification that will support your career and even open the possibility of degree programmes.

  • A real alternative to university

    Higher Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to achieve degree and postgraduate level qualifications. Yes, that means getting a degree without going into debt, or putting your life and career on hold while you learn.